How to know when you Love Him or Her?

Love is a word that can be tossed around a lot. You love your family and some of your close friends. Here's when you know you really love someone.

I will


On this
Universe, with you.

Think about what you want in a relationship. Write down your thoughts and feelings on what you think love is. This list is only for you. Don't write down what anybody else thinks about love other than yourself.

Make sure you know the difference between love and lust or infactuation. Lust is a sexual desire. Infatuation is when you are "crazy" about them, but this feeling usually fades over time. If you have only been with this person for a short while, really think about if you are moving too fast or its only puppy love.

Write down your feeling for them. How do you feel when you're talking to them? How do you feel when you haven't seen them for a week? How do you feel when you are making love? Express as much as you can through words.

Think about the communication between the two of you. Is it cut down to a minimum? How do you deal with conflict? Do you bring out good or bad parts of each other? Can you show different sides of yourself? Do you lie to your partner on a basis?

Ask yourself if you see and accept them as a whole person. Love isn't just loving the parts of them you like, but choosing to love them overall. If you cannot deal with them having imperfections, then maybe your relationship isn't as strong as you thought.

Ask yourself if you would do just about, if not, anything for him. Would you risk everything you have just to be with him? Is it worth it?


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